On the evening of 29th March, I co-hosted an event on a boat on the River Thames on behalf of The Freedom Association. It was supposed to be a celebration. Just before 11pm, we had planned to lower the EU flag, and at 11pm on the dot, we planned to raise the Union Flag.
But that wasn’t to be. Instead, our evening of celebration turned into a protest event. We heard from many wonderful speakers: MEPs, an MP, and from BrexitCentral’s own Jonathan Isaby. I thought that I would be feeling down as the evening ended, but I wasn’t. I was feeling upbeat because there was a group of around 80 people packed aboard the boat determined to fight for democracy.
The next morning, as I was walking by the river near Tower Bridge, I decided I would put my name forward as a potential candidate for the Brexit Party.
There is something bigger than Brexit, and that is democracy. Democracy trumps everything. My vote has the same value as yours. We may choose to exercise it for the same candidate in an election, or for the same proposition in a referendum, or we may disagree. But the one thing that unites all democrats is that the candidate or proposition which garners the largest amount of votes, wins. Those who have lost, respect the decision made by the majority. That’s how it works – or at least how it should work.
I am sure you remember the pamphlet which went through every letterbox in the nation before the 2016 referendum, published by the Government and paid for by you, which predicted economic Armageddon if we had the audacity to vote the “wrong way” and put a cross in the box next to Leave. In that horrendous piece of Government propaganda, we were told that the result of the referendum would be honoured.
What has happened since should strike terror into the heart of every democrat. Theresa May has always regarded Brexit as a damage limitation exercise, rather than the fantastic opportunity it is. Her former joint chief of staff, Nick Timothy, has admitted that. She has never believed in Brexit. A majority of the Cabinet are opposed to Brexit, as are a majority of MPs and peers. Despite promises made in manifestos by both the Conservatives and Labour to remove the UK from the Single Market and Customs Union, both parties are determined to deliver a bitter tasting fudge – a half-in, half-out, Brexit In Name Only hell from which we cannot unilaterally extricate ourselves.
Just a few days ago, I spoke to a lady in Grimsby who told me that she was 68 years old and had voted in every election since the age of 18 – an impressive 50 years of never missing an election. But this time she told me that she wasn’t going to vote because of the way Leave voters had been betrayed. After a short conversation, I did persuade her to vote for the Brexit Party, but if I was asked to come up with three words that sum up what Leave voters think, betrayal would be one of them. The other two are democracy and treachery.
The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are not going to deliver Brexit. Other parties like the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, Change UK (or whatever they are called by the time this article is published), Plaid Cymru, and the SNP are actively trying to subvert the democratic wishes of 17.4 million people. There is only one party which is standing up for Brexit and has a serious chance of making a real difference, and that is the Brexit Party. If you are a democrat, we are the only party you can vote for.
The post Why Brexiteers should vote for the Brexit Party today appeared first on BrexitCentral.